A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers that provide us with information
DevOps with Kubernetes by Hideto Saito, Hui-Chuan Chloe Lee, Cheng-Yang Wu
Docker and Kubernetes Under the Hood (Chinese) by Harry Zhang, Jianbo Sun and ZJU SEL lab
Docker in Action, Second Edition by Jeff Nickoloff and Stephen Kuenzli
Getting Started with Kubernetes by Jonathan Baier
Golden Guide to Kubernetes Application Development by Matthew Palmer
Google Anthos in Action by Antonio Gulli et al.
Kubernetes Book (OpenSource Book) by Leverege Developers
Kubernetes Cookbook - Second Edition by Hideto Saito, Hui-Chuan Chloe Lee, Ke-Jou Carol Hsu
Kubernetes Handbook (OpenSource Book in Chinese) by Pengfei Ni
Kubernetes Handbook (OpenSource Book in Chinese) by Jimmy Song
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